Whatsapp scams hong kong
Whatsapp scams hong kong

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The identity phishing scam sent messages to Senior Diplomats asking them to validate new WhatsApp and Telegram accounts. This is not the first the Australian government has been prey for cybercriminals, earlier on in the year the Parliament House was involved in a sophisticated attack on the computer network. A number of reports were made to The Australian Federal Police about suspicious activities on senior members of the party’s phones. Targets of the phishing attacks included the Finance Minister, Simon Birmingham, and Health Minister, Greg Hunt amongst others in senior positions. About the identity phishing scamĪ cyber syndicate i mpersonated the victims on encrypted messaging services, WhatsApp and Telegram, to gain access to sensitive information and steal money from the victim’s contacts. Organizations should take steps now to prevent themselves from being impacted by a similar identity phishing scam. Cybercriminals often repurpose tactics and tools against other organizations, for example, the techniques used by Hafnium were replicated by other groups to hack 60,000 organizations. A sophisticated identity theft scam was used to attack Australia’s Senior Diplomats in April of 2021.

Whatsapp scams hong kong