For iphone instal Avengers: Age of Ultron
For iphone instal Avengers: Age of Ultron

for iphone instal Avengers: Age of Ultron

Name: Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanoff.The Sentries eventually overpowered the Avengers, so Hawkeye sacrificed himself, allowing Black Widow and Zola escape from the facility. However, while the Avengers fought the Sentries, Zola failed to connect to Ultron's network, as he was not within Zola's reach. Black Widow lured the Sentries into the facility, where Hawkeye fired one of those with a USB-arrow with Zola on it, so he could connect to Ultron's network and dismantle it. The Avengers managed to fight off the Sentries before they synchronized with Ultron hive-mind, and then searched through the KGB archives and found out that Zola's backup framework was set up in Siberia.īlack Widow and Hawkeye arrived at HYDRA Siberian Facility where they booted up Zola's framework and coerced him into helping them defeat Ultron. On their way to Moscow, the Avengers were spotted by the Ultron Sentries which ambushed them on their way to the city. Black Widow realized that they could use an analog AI to combat Ultron, so she and Hawkeye went to Russia to search the information about Arnim Zola. With Earth left a desolated wasteland, Black Widow and Hawkeye took it upon themselves to defeat Ultron as the two remaining Avengers. Unfortunately, the Avengers were powerless to stop Ultron as he killed all of them (barring Black Widow and Hawkeye) and launched a massive nuclear strike to destroy human civilization. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor and Hulk confronted Ultron while Black Widow and Hawkeye were aboard a Quinjet to deactivate the satellite network so Ultron could not hack into nuclear codes from various countries. In 2015, the Avengers were sent to the NEXUS Internet Hub in Oslo, Norway to stop the rogue android known as Ultron who inhabited a new vibranium body powered by the Mind Stone.

For iphone instal Avengers: Age of Ultron